Tuesday, September 16, 2008

A Tiger Never Cries

When was the last time you witnessed a male army officer cry his heart out in front of the full media glare? Never! True! For them it is erroneous and sinful to pronounce the stress and strain faced infront of anyone, let alone the media. It’s just that our men don’t snivel and sob or let public their troubles, just as a tiger never cries. They are a breed apart, positive to the core even in the most downbeat circumstances. Its only when you do a peek-a-boo you realize that our army is plagued by something commonly known as PAS i.e. Pressure, Anxiety and Stress syndrome. It’s not only about the pays, perks and promotions; there are a number of issues which on a day- today basis take a heavy toll on an army officer and his family mentally as well as emotionally.

Indian army boasts of giving the country maximum number of beauty queens but what about the boys? Just how many Karan Thapars can you think of?
  • Majority of stations do not have good schools and one is left with only two choices- either the family stays separated or compromises on the child’s school. A third option would be of sending the child to a boarding school. But!! Think boarding school, think money, where again an army officers’ child takes a beating. Children are given high-class exposure right from the beginning like horse riding, swimming, tennis, basketball golf etc. Hence, an extremely good schooling is just a natural extension which sadly is not in many cases. A better salary might help to some extent.

  • There are instances of couples staying together only for 3-4 years in their 11-12 years of marriage. Rest goes into the field tenures. An oft repeated incident is of children calling their dads, Uncles, who come home after a long period. By the time they get used to their brand new papas its time to say goodbye again. Field tenures should not be very often.

  • When an army officer goes on a posting he along with his family has to stay for 3-4 months in a room provided by the officer mess, since a temporary accommodation is allotted only after a waiting period of 3-4 months. The temporary accommodations though comfortable stay can be nightmarish if stay over guests land up. By the time a nice and spacious permanent accommodation is allotted the posting is due again. Marriage Accommodation Project(MAP) should be started in all the stations

  • A lot of army officers are these days facing rejection in marriage proposals since girls are becoming more and more career oriented and the only job possible for an army wife is that of teaching which not many opt for.

These things though ostensibly trivial do become core issues in a soldier’s life. Something needs to be done immediately rather than merely politicising the issue or else this tribe of jubilant jolly good fellows will be an endangered one.


Ajay K. Garg said...

Welcome to the World of Blogs!!!! Nicely written.....and keep writing. Let us see you as the crusader for the cause of the armed forces.

meri aawaz said...

Congrates & welcome....
Now we can be assure that you will show us a flip side of army ladies, to which most of us are untouched. Their lavish parties & high standards are the things which attracts every single person, bt another side of coin is so painfull, brewsome & hearblocking!!!
Hope u tell us this side in deep.
All the best.

Anusha said...

The piece is very well structured and cohesive. Not a word out of place.
The ending stands out for its sheer verbal felicity and poignancy.
Thanks for bringing us face to face with the adventurous yet lonely lives of the army wives and men.

Jo said...

Good Starting, keep going on....

mahesh said...

Yaa its right! There should not be any space for tears in the eyes of Tiger.

Unknown said...

Gud Starting, keep going on..........

Unknown said...

Gud Starting, Keep going on....

Anusha said...

The piece is very well structured and cohesive. Not a word out of place.
The ending stands out for its sheer verbal felicity and poignancy.
Thanks for bringing us face to face with the adventurous yet lonely lives of the army wives and men.

Anonymous said...

Practical and well written...

amerias said...

This is a very well worded article. You have touched a very delicate aspect of our armymen's (Tigers) life. Needless to say that the Armywives are no lesser Heros. Those Tigress' are the ones who make our Tigers roar. Truly the administration is lagging behind in taking care of our heros. Keep writing !! All the best.

Anonymous said...

saw the blogspot. took some time soming to terms with what i read... i always thought that ours was a way of life, not to be spoken out loud or discussed in public. i think it was a bold step taken to educate the janta about the flip side of our snooty lives.

dink said...

As a matter of fact, I do remember seeing a male army officer cry..It was none other than the then Chief General JJ Singh..and that too on national Television..